At Hallgate Primary School, our intention is to provide quality teaching and learning of geography which inspires in pupils a curiosity and fascination about the world. Through our geography curriculum, we aim to develop:
Knowledge, skills and understanding relating to people and places, in the United Kingdom and overseas, and an appreciation of how places relate to each other and the wider world;
Awareness of the wider world and a sense of place within it;
A desire to investigate and learn about the physical and human features of our own environment and then build on this throughout school to appreciate how this is similar to and different from other places around the world;
An understanding of people’s choices when it comes to geographical issues, from why they choose to live in the places that they do to how humans are impacting upon it.
An enjoyment of fieldwork, through using geographical enquiry and reporting skills, enabling pupils to put their learning into context.
Our lessons at Hallgate focus on five key concepts; place, change, scale, movement and sustainability. Children are encouraged to make links between topics to help them further understand the world around them and the impact which we can have on it.